Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Funniest Blog EVER!

some of you may remember my hormonal rant the other day. Well I have found a blog that expresses all of my frustrations in a sarcastic and HILARIOUS way! I found the link on Beckie's blog and have been reading all of the older posts for 2 days straight! I have laughed so hard -I peed! Here is a link:

It is a fabulous look at the mormon mommy sub-culture we live in. Looking at it like this- proves how pathetic and judgemental we become when talking about motherhood, our callings, our crafting, and even our choice in hair styles.

The blog makes fun of everything: from working moms to women who have babies after 30. Since I fit into both of those categories and have heard all of the cliches (which of course are not directed at me, but said loud enough for me to hear). I find it VALIDATING to see these judgements done in a sarcastic way.

check it out!

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