Thursday, October 28, 2010

pregnancy brain or trials of an insomniac

I have had one doozy of a week.
thank heavens it is almost friday
and friday is a half day for the kids at school
then i will lock my classroom door
and forget that this week ever happened

I forget what I am saying mid-sentence
I have lost my keys 100 times
(both personal and school sets)
I have lost my phone 500 times
one time I thought I lost it and spent 30 minutes looking for it...
I looked in the car, my purse, 2 desks, the filing cabinet, the kitchen drawers, EVERYWHERE!
only to realize I had tucked it into my bra strap

I had to send 2 kids to the office
for offenses
only there is no proof
so the office sends them back
and they glare at me the rest of the day
Administration is sick of me
(but I am sick of them)
so we are even

I graded a quiz
finished about 60
only to realize
i used the wrong answer key

it's the end of the quarter
so all the loser's who can't turn in their work on time are trying to sneak it in
I told one kid it was too late to turn in that was due August 29
and then accepted the same assignment from another kid.
now I have to go back and tell kid #2 it was too late or take the first kids assignment.

I forget what I am about to say
I repeat what I have already said

I wandered around Macy's for 15 minutes
because I forgot I needed dish soap (aisle 12)
then I forgot I needed garlic powder (aisle 2)
then i remembered i needed sour cream (back by aisle 12)
then I remembered i needed cream cheese (by aisle 2)
and the worst part is: I HAD A SHOPPING LIST with me and it is broken down by departments! (the proof that I spend 1/3 of my life grocery shopping is that I know what the aisles are numbered...and it is THE ONLY thing i can remember right now)

I am in charge of ward baptisms next weekend and had to call a parent THREE times in a row
because I kept forgetting to ask what her son wanted.
Pretty sure she is nervous about me being in charge of the program now!

My work friends just laugh when I describe all my trials...
they say, "oh the joys of pregnancy brain"
I am worried that if "pregnancy brain" is the problem,
I will be a complete idiot and drooling into a cup by January.
Brad thinks it may have something to do with the fact i only get 3 hours of sleep a night.
I think I may be so scattered brained because I spend a great deal of my time thinking about how hungry I am. Only nothing sounds good...except for pumpkin pie shakes at mcdonalds. and then my friend Natalie brought me a PUMPKIN CRISPY CREAM DONUT! i litteraly died and went to pumpkin nirvana. I was glad she gave it to me and left my classroom, because i really moaned as I ate it.

The cafeteria fish sticks were the third BEST tasting thing I have eaten all week
and that alone scares me...seriously who LIKES cafeteria fish grosses me out to even think about liking them. But I did.

I was in bed by 7:30 last night
I had drifted off to sleep
and my cell phone rang a little before 8pm
and I literally jumped up thinking it was time to wake up for the day

I almost wished it had been...
I would be that much closer to the weekend.

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