Sunday, October 17, 2010

Funny Kids

My kids are funny!

Emily was questioning a post Brad put on Facebook. It was about Breast Cancer and she was wondering how women found out if they had cancer. So I was explaining how a doctor feels for lumps and may do an "x-ray". Emily was sort of disgusted and asked, "what kind of doctor does that? A Boobieologist?" Brad and I laughed so hard...
and then Brad said if that was a field of study, he would have tried harder in high school!

Brinley was telling Brad that if he doesn't want to wear ties to work, his boss can't make him.
Brad: "Brin, you have to do what your boss says."
Brin: "tell him you don't want to"
Brad: "my boss is a woman, don't be sexist"
Brin: "Dad, I don't have sexes, I am only 5"

In other news, we bought our first BLUE baby outfit yesterday...
It was wierd...I kept looking at all the pink stuff and had to remind myself to look at blue.
Guess 11+ years of habit is hard to break!

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