Thursday, February 4, 2010


Brin has not slept throught the night in over a week. One would think she is 6 months old and not four YEARS old. And when she wakes up, she wakes me up.

Laying awake at 3:30am makes me think about all the stuff I need to do; housekeeping, grading papers, my blog, housekeeping, shopping for school, shopping for home, sharing time, housekeeping. catching that darn mouse in my classroom, will we EVER get pregnant... Seriously...some nights I have to turn on my i-pod and watch The Office just to turn off my brain.

and since it has been over 5 months since the last post...I was at Monica's blog, looking at pictures of her new baby. And my blog is listed on the side and it stated "last post 5 months ago" How embarassing!

Here are the family pictures we took for christmas. I love how they turned out!

We had a great holiday season and hope you did too. Its a month late, but here's to 2010!

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