Monday, August 16, 2010

Random Thoughts on Monday

I have been awake since 3:00 am.
At 4am I marinated the tri-tip for dinner tonight and made muffins.
At 5am I checked my favorite blogs and my email.
Then in desperation for something to do,
I checked my class lists for this school year.
As I looked at my Foods II roll, I went down the list and thought:
good I am glad she took my class again;ok he was a pill, but kind of funny;oh crap!
why in the h-e-double hockey sticks did that girl sign up!
Then I looked at my Foods 1 rolls, lots of new names, lots of seniors, and quite a few kids that have already had Foods 1 and 2.
Why take it a second time? I hate that.
See here is why I don't like kids in Foods 1 that have already taken it.
The first day or two of school, I try to act MEAN/HARD/you know, the type of teacher that will NOT put up with their monkey-shine.
I do it to weed out the jerks that are in there to play and the girls who are to squeamish to touch a raw egg...let alone raw chicken.
BUT if a student has had me before they know I am a pushover...I am all talk...and i put up with way more monkey-shine than I should.
And these "veterans" will spill the beans about what a softie I really am and all hope is lost! Monkey-shines from day 2!
Brad says they take my class for the third time because I am just that awesome.
(or I grade too easy)

After looking at my class lists
I ate a muffin
as I walked past the fridge I smiled at my ultra sound picture and may have patted my little fetus. I smile whenever I see that little alien looking picture.
(i may sing to it too)

As I sat on the couch watching Law and Order:SVU here are the other things running through my mind:
*where are we going to put this fetus when it's born?
*we need to finish our basement
*if we finish our basement, will the spiders leave?
*Brad told Emily to mow the lawn today as her chore, how can she be old enough to mow?!
*I hope I can start the mower for her. Sometimes it won't start for me.
*my garment tops are awfully tight.
* what am I going to do if/when my boobs get fuller?
*Law and order is scary...why do I watch puts horrible images in my head
* i really need to buy a lesson plan book
* i really want another muffin
* i really want to go to Virg's and order a breakfast skillet
*i hope that teacher does not teach kindergarten or if she does that brin does not get her
*i had better sleep once school starts
*are there sleeping pills safe for pregnant ladies

At 6:30 I went back to bed.
and slept
until Brad woke up at 7
Restful night

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